Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Week 1: An Introduction to Myself


My name is Christian Allen. I am a junior at OU majoring in Anthropology and minoring in International Studies. I am specifically interested in Archaeology, (One of the four subfields of Anthropology), of the Pacific NW. I only recently found my passion for Archaeology after taking some anthropology classes on campus. If you haven’t yet taken an Anthropology class I highly recommend it!

I was born in Joplin, MO, but have moved around a lot as a child. Interestingly the hospital I was born in is no longer standing, due to the Joplin tornado and all. I graduate high school from Broken Arrow High in OK and now live in Norman. I have also lived in Kansas and Arkansas.

I am currently employed at Griffin Memorial Hospital here in Norman as a billing specialist and at the Oklahoma Archaeological Survey on campus washing artifacts from archaeological digs here in Oklahoma.

Do NOT be alarmed if you see two of me walking around campus. I have a twin brother who recently transferred here to the University of Oklahoma from OSU. He is studying Public Affairs and Administration.

We now live together and combined have a total of three pets. I own one dog, an English Bulldog named Sargent, or Sarge for short. Below is a picture of him from this summer cooling off in the summer heat. His favorite pass times include playing in kiddy pools, placing your hand in his mouth, and sleeping... a lot. Sargent recently went under the "great snip” and is currently not feeling up to par, but usually he loves going on long walks and meeting new dogs. He hopes to one day bring about world peace, but for now he is content with his life in Norman.

(Photo of Sargent the English Bulldog taken by myself)

My brother has two cats. Nala, pictured below, and Holland. We have had Nala since he was a kitten and he was unfortunately named before we found out the he was not a she. Due to a medical condition neither of Nala’s testicles descended. While my brother and I have had no problem changing Nala’s gender pronouns from female to male our mother still has the hardest time, even after four years!
Nala the King of the House (Photo taken by myself)
In a nutshell, that is my life. I am looking forward to this semester and creating some great memories!


  1. Hi Christian, Hannah had a problem with her browser I think... anyway, this is a comment FROM HANNAH that she is leaving for you! :-)

    Hey Christian!

    You are the first person I have ever met that has an Archeology minor! That's so awesome. And good job on working at the hospital! I'm sorry to hear that you were affected by the tornado in Joplin, that's horrible :( I also don't know many twins, so that's pretty awesome as well! Your dog is adorable. I want to get an English Bulldog and name him Amo. Haha I have a dog too! I can't remember if I had that in my intro or not...but his name is Vino. He's insane at best. I hope you have an awesome junior year and I'll be following your blog this semester to keep up with you!


    1. I see. Thank you Laura and Thank you Hannah!

  2. Oh man, pet pictures. My weakness! Sargent is adorable I would never stop fawning over him. I met a dog in NYC who looked just like him and I took a ton of pictures. I'm sure I looked like a dork but it was worth it. Nala is a cutie, too! I totally support his decision to live his life as whichever gender he feels most comfortable as. hehe

    Archaeology! I've always been interested in that field but languages pulled me to linguistics. I've taken a few anthropology classes and whenever we talk about archaeology I get all starry-eyed. It's almost so cool sounding that it's not real to me, so the fact that you have a job washing artifacts is surreal. I'm sure you have an exciting life ahead of you. You should blog about it!


  3. As you can see, I'm finally getting around to reading the Introductions, Christian - and I got to learn something new here that I didn't know about before from our other interactions: you have a twin brother! That is so cool! As you've no doubt seen, the theme of twins is one of the great folklore motifs of the world... there are twins all over the world, and of course every culture has stories to tell about them! So that might even be a topic you could explore for this class: twins and their tales! I'm guessing you would have no shortage of stories to choose from for that! :-)

  4. Christian, I am LOVING that we are in the same class. Who would've thought it? I also didn't know that you had a twin brother. I remember you telling me that you had a brother that went to a different school, but I think it is so cool that he transferred here. I am super jealous that you have a bulldog...that is one of my goals in life haha. But, I am so excited to read more of your work!

  5. Hey Christian! I had a friend who was an Anthropology major, his name was Daniel Harper. I wonder if you knew him. Anyways, I actually have a twin as well. We are fraternal twins though. He is about five inches taller than me...It is always nice to meet someone who has a twin as well. The pictures of you pets are adorable. I look forward to reading your stories!

  6. Hey Christian, Wow that is just crazy that the hospital was taken out by the tornado. I wonder if all medical records including information on your birth along with others have been lost. Haha must be awesome having a twin. If only you both majored in the same thing maybe you could go in and take cover for each other lol or maybe that is too far played. Good luck with this semester and all that’s to come.

  7. Hey Christian, I used to live in Kansas too. What part did you live in? I am from Overland Park, which is really close to Kansas City, MO. It is an awesome city to be in! There is so much to do up there and hopefully, I can move back up there one day.

    It's awesome that your job is related to your major and what you want to do in life. I actually know someone else that works at Griffin Memorial Hospital. Her name is Kimberly Nguyen. Maybe you know her? I forgot what her actual job is called, but she works with the kids in that institution.

    I am looking forward to reading more of your posts and getting to know you better this semester!


"love is a disease, like a good bacteria." - Unknown