Saturday, August 23, 2014

Week 2 Reading Diary: Homer's Iliad

For this week I choose Homer’s Iliad listed below are my favorite sections from this epic!

Reding Part A:

The Quarrel - My first reaction for this section is sorrow for Apollo, I found it very shocking that his daughter was stolen from he and even when he begged and tried to give trade gold for his daughter. Agamemnon was atrocious for not returning the daughter to Apollo. Further on, I found Achilles heroic actions to disobey his King and save the life of Apollo and his daughter.

What Thetis Did for Her Son - Poor Thetis. This section starts of with her begging Zeus to give honor to her son Achilles. I love the imagery the book used where she is pulling on Zeus’s Beard. I also like the section where Zeus’s wife Hera was trying to pry into what Zeus was up to. She finally figured out the scheme and tried to give advise to Zeus. My favorite part of this section was the dream Zeus sent to Agamemnon to give honor to Achilles!

The Embassy to Achilles - Favorite quote from this passage, “For the men of those days were as mighty in eating and drinking as in fighting.” The King Agamemnon sent Achilles gifts of kettles, gold, and his daughters hand in marriage in turn for Achilles to return to battle. I could see a story about a fish that disobeys his king. Achilles refuses the gifts and says he will stay true to himself. Kings that sit in their tents receive more treasure and spoils than the men the fight the battles. Why then would he fight? Achilles has thought about settling down in life. He has two choices, Live short and name be forever remembered or Live a long life and be forgotten in history.

Reading Part B:

The Rousing of Achilles - Achilles was so upset by his friends death, that he only had to be seen at the Trenches on the battlefield for people to be deathly afraid of him. He obeyed his mother and went to the Trenched. Even though this was a sad part in the story, I think it has been one of the most powerful. Achilles mother Thetis promises to bring her son new weapons so that he may fight in battle... Great Mom. 

The Slaying of Hector - Apollo gave courage to a warrior to not run from achilles, but to stay and fight him. Finally Hector stood outside the gates and waited for Achilles. It is better to save the people of Troy by either slaying Achilles or be slain by him. But Hector ran away and was pursued by Achilles. Zeus was conflicted about weather or not to save Hector from death. Hector had been faithful to the gods and always offered sacrifice. A goddess tricked Hector into fighting with Achilles. Hector was well armored but there was a weakness in his armor. Achilles speed him and killed him. Hector pleaded to let the Troys have his body. Achilles dragged Hectors body behind a chariot back to the ships. 

Achilles and Hector

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