Monday, August 25, 2014

Week 2: Essay Homer’s The Iliad

For this week I read Homer’s The Iliad. I really enjoyed reading this story even though I have read the story before. It has been quite a while, sometime in high school, since I last read the Iliad. I was quite surprised at just how much I had forgotten about the tale, but when I finished the reading I was very happy that I took the time to re-read, or listen to, the story. Since I have read the story before I already knew the background story, but if I was reading this story for the first time I might have been confused about the beginning and how the whole war was started. It went by pretty fast in the chapters.

Something else I would consider telling perspective reader in Mythology and Folklore course might be that it was a little difficult for me to try to write my storytelling post. Personally, it was much easier for me to write a storytelling post from the Aesop’s Fables. This, of course, is in part because Aesop made his fables so easily understood; and perhaps The Iliad just needs a person with a little bit more of a... creative imagination. I chose this reading because I thought having read it before I might be able to better grasp Mythology and Folklore, as opposed to jumping head first into the deep pool of Mythology. I hope this tale of the Iliad is a good icebreaker into the course of Mythology and Folklore. 

This unit was a superb one. I was very glad to see it on the reading list. I think the most rewarding thing I learned from this unit may be a new writing style. As I mentioned above, one of the hardest things for me this week was writing the Storytelling Blog Post. While I had a difficult time writing the post, I think I also made tremendous headway in terms of developing a new writing style. 

Achilles Warrior

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